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Nejsme provozovatelé Štramberské Trúby.
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Ultimate experiences

Dr. Hrstka’s cottage

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Dr. Hrstka’s cottage is a historic chalet, originally built by the local hiking club, that has recently been completely renovated with the help of the Wallachian Kingdom. You might remember what the cottage used to look like inside – a strange purple colour scheme, carpets not only on the floor but on the tables too, and décor straight from the 1970s.

Well, we simply had to change all that. So as soon as we acquired the castle (in April 2009) we launched a major reconstruction, hoping to return the cottage to its former glory – a cosy, friendly place providing shelter, refreshments and a warm welcome to all visitors.

The renovation took six months. We threw out all the nasty old furniture and time-travel décor, replacing it with beautiful, hand-crafted wooden tables and benches, and adding a traditional-style bar positioned between two huge tree trunks. We removed the horrible old carpet to reveal (after many hours of cleaning and sanding) the beautiful original brick floor. The cladding on the walls was torn down, and instead the walls were painted a simple white, with elegant natural timber décor. The centrepiece of the cottage is a beautiful traditional tiled stove – a sight to warm the heart of every weary traveller… That’s the kind of cottage we dreamed of – and now it’s become a reality. So why not accept our invitation to come and visit us – experience the warmest of welcomes in this beautifully restored historic cottage, where you can enjoy excellent refreshments, service with a smile, and hospitality to remember.

Here are a few photos from the renovation – before and after – showing the amazing transformation:


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