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  • Deutsch (Germany)


+420 774 668 011 ,

Nejsme provozovatelé Štramberské Trúby.
Zabýváme se realizací programů HRADNÍ AKADEMIE.

truba_logoStramberk castle
Ultimate experiences

Rent the cottage

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Dr. Hrstka’s cottage is available for hire – either the whole cottage including the restaurant area (ideal for private gatherings, celebrations, weddings…) or the club room on the lower level (a perfect choice for hiking parties or smaller groups).


  • use of the restaurant area and kitchen facilities
  • the cottage’s staff
  • the club room on the lower level – ideal for meetings or leisure events
  • hire of a data projector, projection screen and audio system
  • hire of a barbecue
  • a range of musical instruments
  • WC and shower facilities
  • The cost of this complete hire package is calculated individually – just contact us and we’ll give you a quote.


  • the club room with its timber-framed upper level (for storage or relaxation)
  • a kitchenette with basic facilities (plates, cutlery, mugs, glasses, cooking pots, electric cooker, kettle…), also with a timber-framed upper level (for storage or relaxation)
  • 1x WC, 1x shower
  • hire of board games or musical instruments
  • hire (for an extra fee) of a data projector, projection screen and audio system, or a barbecue
  • fully heated
  • both rooms can be locked separately
  • open all year round
  • use of the restaurant on the ground floor of the cottage

Prices of club room hire:

  • 150 CZK per person per day
  • 200 CZK per person per day including sheet/duvet
  • or 1000 CZK per group (7 or more people) per day



  • the ‘Trúba’ tower – just a few steps away
  • Štramberk town square (restaurants, hotels, souvenirs, museums…) – just a stone’s throw away
  • bus stop (below the square) – just two stones’ throws away
  • Bílá Hora viewing tower – 1 km
  • natural arboretum and historic quarry ‘Kamenárka’ – less than 1 km
  • Šipka cave and Kotouč hill – 500 m
  • gym – 500 m
  • Libotín open-air swimming pool – 2km

… and many other beautiful sights in the fairy-tale town of Štramberk. The composer Leoš Janáček, born in nearby Hukvaldy, loved Štramberk – he said it was the prettiest town in the whole country. Known fondly as the ‘Moravian Bethlehem’, Štramberk is a natural gateway to the Beskydy mountains and the Lachian Gate – a region that offers a huge range of wonderful sights and experiences to visitors of all ages.

If you are interested in hiring Dr. Hrstka’s cottage, you can contact the cottage manager Eva Lorencová (tel: 777663474 or e-mail:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )


Services for companies and groups

Nabídka pro firmy

Virtual tours

Virtuální prohlídky

Mapa/půdorys hradu




Akce Relaxu v podhůří Beskyd

Visitor statistics




Hradní akademie

Hradní akademie

Pocket guide

Elektronický průvodce

Parking in Štramberk

Parkování ve Štramberku

Webkamera ve Štramberku


Knights of Štramberk Castle




The Royal Fair




Weather forecast

Relax v podhůří
