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Nejsme provozovatelé Štramberské Trúby.
Zabýváme se realizací programů HRADNÍ AKADEMIE.

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Sláma's cave

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In 1924, workers digging the foundations for Dr. Hrstka’s cottage discovered a cave (54 metres in depth). The cave was named after the writer Dr. František Sláma, whose works often mentioned the mysterious cave systems under Štramberk Castle. Here you can see an article by the doctor and local historian Dr. Adolf Hrstka in a hikers’ magazine from March 1925 (we apologize for the poor quality of the pdf file).

The cave can be viewed at any time during the opening hours of the ‘Trúba’ tower. The entrance is below Dr. Hrstka’s cottage, next to the wooden hut on the castle walls.

Access to the cave is limited because it is quite difficult and dangerous, even for experienced cavers. The most challenging part is the narrow entrance – if there is an accident or someone makes a mistake, it is very difficult to get through. This part of the cave is so narrow that if you are wearing a helmet it’s actually impossible to turn your head. The cave is also subject to erosion, and recently there have been several incidents when limestone rocks have become dislodged and fallen from the cave ceiling.

For these reasons, visitors to the cave enter at their own risk, and it is essential that they observe all relevant safety regulations and good practices. Of course, Dr. Hrstka’s cottage will do everything possible to ensure that your caving expedition goes smoothly; upon request, we can provide experienced guides for groups of visitors.

If you enjoy exploring the cavernous depths, our new Package of Experiences ‘Journey into the Depths of the Earth’ will give you a real dose of adrenaline. This visit to Sláma’s cave is a perfect treat for extreme sports enthusiasts – but only for the truly adventurous, and certainly not for the claustrophobic!


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